Mysticism, energy messages and coded wisdom, that had survived through time and space, to happens Here and Now – this is how the new cycle of works by the artist Pavlin Petrov sounds like. . “Code 333 Concentration” is a kind of collection, including art jewelries for connoisseurs. In the limited space of these small works is concentrated the enormous power and strength of the eternal messages, translated into signs and symbols from many places around the world. Love, Wisdom, Luck, Prosperity, Abundance and a Joy of Life become vivid and full with new meanings, through the unique combination of shapes, relieves, colors and materials in combination with stylized symbols from different cultures and eras in the world. They catch the eye, impress strongly and turn immediately works from this cycle to a real masterpieces with great charisma and appeal, worthy to fill any fine and valuable collection. The messages, encoded in works, overcome the spaces of the already released from the frames canvases, and trigger unexpected thoughts, feelings and emotions in those, who are in touch with them. Protection, enhancement of positive vibration, harmonization of the energies within and around us, and all that combined with the constant pleasure of being in touch with one modern and in the same time ancient aesthetics. And after it all another proof for the unique and inimitable style of the famous painter Pavlin Petrov, which affirms him once again as a recognizable artist, always true to himself. Art jewelries from the collection “Code 333 Concentration” are a wonderful gift with which you can please yourself, or to say much without any words to those, who are special and beloved for you. Because the valuable people deserve valuable symbols of love and respect, just like the jewelry art messages of Pavlin Petrov!!!

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