Closed inside his land lines, the man rarely looks beyond the visible and tangible. Dug deep into his pragmatic materiality, he managed to put in silence the primordial call of the spiritual spark within himself. May be for a long time, but not for always! Because in every human life there is a special moment, for which a man even do not suspect. In this sacred, special moment happens the cognizance, awakening or may be the return to our natural essence. It seems like in the grey wall of our everyday being opens a door, bolted till today. Behind this door the Eternity is waiting for us, with all the way, that our soul had walked till now, with all her rebirths, with all the pain, confusion, inexperience and wisdom, which we passed through. Because yet our ancestors in the ancient times with their symbols and rituals had found out, that each of our rebirths is a part of a great spiral of Eternity, which invariably leads us to our spiritual integrity and perfection.
MEASURES: 50 x 50 x 3 cm
MEDIA: Mixed Media